Holiday Detector


The Holiday Detector from HoliTech is a DC voltage Holiday Detector for detecting pinholes and flaws in insulated coatings on conductive substrates. Where coatings have to provide an effective safeguard against corrosion, it is essential that any pinholes or flaws that will eventually lead to corrosion are detected at the earliest possible stage, preferably immediately after the coating application.

The test voltage is of high impedance, enabling safe testing, and does not damage or cause burn marks to the coating. Operation is by the test voltage being applied to the coating by moving a brush electrode across the surface and where there is either a pinhole or flaw, the voltage will spark through the coating, a red indicator will flash and an audible alarm will sound. The detected flaw can be marked for subsequent repair, and testing resumed for the remaining surface area.

The Holiday Detector is a compact and lightweight instrument, which can easily be carried by the operator with the supplied Neck Strap.

All models are supplied in an industrial foam-filled Carrying Case with High Voltage Probe, Band Brush, 10m Earth Cable and Neck Strap.